If you’re looking for an advanced program to improve your balance
I have a special treat for you...
Whenever I see clients who have balance problems, I always tell them the same thing:
“First, use the exercises in the Balance Training Handbook program to get your balance back on track, and make sure you won’t fall (or fall again)...
...and after that, you will be perfectly primed and will have the perfect foundation in place to get so many more benefits. At this point, you’ll be able to improve your balance even more, so you can be even more confident and unafraid of falling. You can continue increasing your strength, endurance and energy, so you feel better much more of the time. You can even lose weight and tone your thighs, tummy and tush, so you love the way you look! And to achieve all that, you only need to do a few different balance and strength training exercises, all of which are easy, safe, and only take just a few minutes a day.”
You might be able to tell that I’m passionate about this.
It’s because I see so many people successfully regain their good balance after they use my Balance Training Handbook program…
...but then they stop there because they don’t realize how much momentum they have, and what a perfect position they’re in at that point to easily get so many more benefits...
Here are just some of the benefits you can expect if you
continue working on your balance and increasing your strength
after you do the Balance Training Handbook program:
- Take your health and fitness to the next level (1)(2)(3)(4)
- Lose weight (1)(2)(3)(4)
- Improve your posture (1)(2)(3)(4)
- Stabilize and strengthen your core (abs) (1)(2)(3)(4)
- Sit for longer periods without pain (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
- Stand for longer periods without pain (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
- Pick up heavy objects more easily (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
- Climb stairs more easily, without pain (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
- Make your hips, legs, knees and back stronger (10)(11)(12)(13)
- Improve your balance EVEN MORE (10)(11)(12)(13)
- Improve athletic performance (10)(11)(12)(13)
- Decrease your risk of falling (14)(15)
- Increase your energy throughout the day (14)(15)
- Feel stronger and better, more of the time (14)(15)
Here’s the secret to getting all those additional benefits… (but don’t be scared, OK?)
The secret is something called: “high-intensity strength training.”
But, don’t be scared by that phrase.
If it sounds intimidating, I totally understand that, but don’t worry - it’s perfectly safe for older adults and even people with balance problems.
A 2001 study entitled Effect of Intense Strength Training on Standing Balance, Walking Speed, and Sit-to-Stand Performance in Older Adults (16), said:
“The present study has confirmed other work that suggests that older adults can undertake intense strength training without undue risk of injury and that intense strength training does increase strength in this population.”
This is a quote from a similar study conducted in 2005, entitled Effect Of High-Intensity Strength Training On Functional Measures Of Balance Ability In Balance-Impaired Older Adults (17):
“High-intensity strength training can safely and effectively strengthen lower extremity muscles in balance-impaired older adults, resulting in significant improvements in functional balance ability and decreased fall risk.”
So, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH HAS PROVEN that high-intensity strength training is safe for older adults, and even those who have balance problems!
And, IT’S BEEN PROVEN that high-intensity strength training can further improve your balance, further increase your strength, and provide a whole host of other benefits too.
I hope this sounds good to you! And I hope you’re interested... because I have a special treat for you.
My newest program is called Advanced Balance Training Handbook and it’s designed to help you use high-intensity strength training, in a totally safe way, to continue improving your balance, further increase your strength, fitness, health and energy, AND get all these benefits too:
- Take your health and fitness to the next level
- Lose weight
- Improve your posture
- Make your hips, legs, knees and back stronger
- Improve your balance EVEN MORE
- Improve athletic performance
- Stabilize and strengthen your core (abs)
- Sit for longer periods without pain
- Stand for longer periods without pain
- Pick up heavy objects more easily
- Climb stairs more easily, without pain
- Decrease your risk of falling
- Increase your energy throughout the day
- Feel stronger and better, more of the time
Right now, on this page, you can get Advanced Balance Training Handbook for a special low price,
but this is a one-time only offer
This is the only time that I offer the Advanced Balance Training Handbook as a standalone program…
so this will be your only chance to get it.
Once you leave this page, you won’t be able to
get this program anywhere else!
Advanced Balance Training Handbook…
A Brand New Bonus That We JUST ADDED:
I said “TEST-DRIVE” above because the Advanced Balance Training Handbook program comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
So, if you order the Advanced Balance Training Handbook right now, you can test drive it for 60 days, RISK-FREE...
...and you’ll also get this special bonus that we just added.
If you order the Advanced Balance Training Handbook program right now, and you’re one of the next 25 people to do so, you’re also going to get a special personalized coaching package FOR FREE to make sure you are successful with Advanced Balance Training Handbook!
If you’re one of the next 25 people to order the Advanced Balance Training Handbook program, you’ll get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive Lifelong Wellness Academy.
Why do just the next 25 people get this opportunity?
The Lifelong Wellness Academy includes a lot of personal interaction, coaching and direct access to me and my team, and because of this, I limit the number of people we let in to make sure every one of our members gets the attention they deserve, so they can get the results they want.
What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy?
JUST ONE of the amazing features of the Lifelong Wellness Academy is you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. This kind of personalized coaching is invaluable because if you’re stuck on any part of the program, or you have an issue that isn’t common to many other people, you can get answers quickly from me and my team of experts, so you can overcome the issue FAST, and get the results you want FAST.
What are the other features? Too many to list here! You’ll have access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more!
You get all of this for FREE, for 14 days!
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period. Just click the Product Support link at the bottom of this page to get the details on how you can contact our customer support team and process your request with no questions asked.
To get more information about Lifelong Wellness Academy, you can also visit our Help Center anytime at
Click The Yellow Button Below
To Get Advanced Balance Training Handbook
AND The Personalized Coaching Package
All For Only $4.95
(TRY IT ALL RISK FREE… comes with a
60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
(Not available for sale anywhere else)
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of Advanced Balance Training Handbook.
Right after you order, you can download 5 videos and 15 PDF manuals onto any computer or mobile device. And get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
When you order today, you get instant access to the Advanced Balance Training Handbook Program and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your 14-day free trial. Just click the Product Support link at the bottom of this page to get the details on how you can contact our customer support team and process your request with no questions asked.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
If you order the Advanced Balance Training Handbook
right now, you’re going to get
ALL THESE for Only $4.95:
In the Advanced Balance Training Handbook program, you get five complete workouts.
These workouts are designed to help you further improve your balance, strength, fitness, and health so you can achieve all the benefits I’ve mentioned on this page, but also feel comfortable, confident and safe at all times doing this program.
The nice thing is: you have all the control, so you can adjust the pace of the program to whatever works best for you.
(1) You get a total of five videos - one video for each of the four stages in the program, and a BONUS Core Workout video
Each workout video is a virtual personal training and coaching session with us. On these videos, we will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
(2) You get five comprehensive manuals - one for each of the four stages in the program, and one for the BONUS Core Workout
Each manual is a comprehensive PDF file that includes:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
(3) You get five Exercise Quick Reference Guides - one for each of the four stages in the program, and one for the BONUS Core Workout
Each Exercise Quick Reference Guide gives you a faster, more convenient way to access all the exercises in the program, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time.
(4) You get five Progress Tracking Sheets - one for each of the four stages in the program, and one for the BONUS Core Workout
Take a few extra seconds after you do each workout to measure your progress on these Progress Tracking Sheets. If you do, it’ll keep you on track and keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want.
Here’s everything you get for $4.95:
(...if you order right now!)
STAGE 1: BODYWEIGHT ROUTINEThis first stage of the program includes exercises you can do with just your bodyweight. In the later stages, we’ll add more resistance and make it more challenging to balance with a bosu ball, stability ball and dumbbells so you can gradually increase your progress. Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
STAGE 2: BOSU BALL ROUTINEIn Stage 2, we’ll use the bosu ball to increase the balance challenge, so you can “train in” even better balance, which will give you even more confidence, and further reduce your fear of falling. (We’ll also tell you where you can get a bosu ball, if you don’t already have one, and how to use it.) Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
STAGE 3: STABILITY BALL ROUTINEIn Stage 3, we’ll make it even more challenging to balance with the stability ball. Our goal is steady, continuing progress for better and better balance and increased strength. (We’ll also tell you where you can get a stability ball, if you don’t already have one, and how to use it.) Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
STAGE 4: DUMBBELL ROUTINEIn Stage 4, we increase the resistance with dumbbells so you can keep increasing your strength, which leads to a whole host of different benefits. (We’ll also tell you where you can get dumbbells, how to use them, and what to use if you’d rather not buy them.) Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
BONUS #1: CORE ROUTINEIn this special bonus exercise routine, we’ll work on core (abdominal) stabilization, so your whole body gets more of the support and stability it needs. This will make it even easier to do movements that require balance, such as: sitting-to-standing, walking, running, climbing and more. Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
NEW “JUST-ADDED” BONUS: PERSONALIZED COACHING PACKAGEYou get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive Lifelong Wellness Academy, where you’ll receive personalized coaching, access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more! After the 14 days trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy for a small monthly investment of just $47.31 and can go on in perpetuity until you decide to cancel. |
($24 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (5 videos, 15 PDF files) |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you order this before you leave this page!) |
$4.95 |
REMEMBER: This is a special, ONE-TIME ONLY offer…
You CANNOT get the Advanced Balance Training Handbook program ANYWHERE ELSE
Right now, on this page, is the only time and place you can get the brand new Advanced Balance Training Handbook program.
If you place your order now, you’ll get everything for only $4.95.
So, if you want the program that’s the perfect next step after Balance Training Handbook, and you want to keep improving your balance (and your confidence), keep increasing your strength, lose weight, take your health and fitness to the next level, improve your posture, prevent future injuries, and lots more…
Click The Yellow Button Below To Order
Advanced Balance Training Handbook
And Get Everything For Only $4.95
(Comes with 60-day 100% money-back guarantee)
(Not available for sale anywhere else)
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of Advanced Balance Training Handbook.
Right after you order, you can download 5 videos and 15 PDF manuals onto any computer or mobile device. And get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
When you order today, you get instant access to the Advanced Balance Training Handbook Program and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your 14-day free trial. Just click the Product Support link at the bottom of this page to get the details on how you can contact our customer support team and process your request with no questions asked.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
NOTE: The Advanced Balance Training Handbook program is a set of 5 downloadable videos and 15 PDF files. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the videos and PDF files. The PDF files can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
- Dohrn IM, Hagströmer M, Hellénius ML, Ståhle A. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Balance Training on Physical Activity in Older Adults With Osteoporosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2017;40(2):102–111. doi:10.1519/JPT.0000000000000077
- Kim S, Lockhart T, Roberto K. The effects of 8-week balance training or weight training: For the elderly on fear of falling measures and social activity levels. Qual Ageing. 2009;10(4):37–48. doi:10.1108/14717794200900030
- Lee K, Lee M, Song C. Balance training improves postural balance, gait, and functional strength in adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Single-blinded, randomized clinical trial. Disabil Health J. 2016;9(3):416-22.
- Hsu SL, Oda H, Shirahata S, Watanabe M, Sasaki M. Effects of core strength training on core stability. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018;30(8):1014–1018. doi:10.1589/jpts.30.1014
- Beinert K, Taube W. The effect of balance training on cervical sensorimotor function and neck pain. J Mot Behav. 2013;45(3):271-8.
- Duray M, Simsek S, Altug F, Cavlak U. Effect of proprioceptive training on balance in patients with chronic neck pain. Agri. 2018;30(3):130-137.
- Latorre román PÁ, Santos e campos MA, García-pinillos F. Effects of functional training on pain, leg strength, and balance in women with fibromyalgia. Mod Rheumatol. 2015;25(6):943-7.
- Jeong J, Park DS, Lee H, Eun S. A reliability of the prototype trunk training system for sitting balance. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014;26(11):1745–1747. doi:10.1589/jpts.26.1745
- Lee J, Seo K. The effects of stair walking training on the balance ability of chronic stroke patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014;26(4):517–520. doi:10.1589/jpts.26.517
- Schache MB, McClelland JA, Webster KE. Does the addition of hip strengthening exercises improve outcomes following total knee arthroplasty? A study protocol for a randomized trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016;17:259. Published 2016 Jun 13. doi:10.1186/s12891-016-1104-x
- Ferber R, Bolgla L, Earl-Boehm JE, Emery C, Hamstra-Wright K. Strengthening of the hip and core versus knee muscles for the treatment of patellofemoral pain: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Athl Train. 2015;50(4):366–377. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-49.3.70
- Jogi P, Overend TJ, Spaulding SJ, Zecevic A, Kramer JF. Effectiveness of balance exercises in the acute post-operative phase following total hip and knee arthroplasty: A randomized clinical trial. SAGE Open Med. 2015;3:2050312115570769. Published 2015 Feb 11. doi:10.1177/2050312115570769
- Uusi-Rasi K, Patil R, Karinkanta S, Tokola K, Kannus P, Sievänen H. Exercise Training in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Hip Osteoarthritis: A 12-Week Pilot Trial. J Osteoporos. 2017;2017:3905492. doi:10.1155/2017/3905492
- Kang S, Hwang S, Klein AB, Kim SH. Multicomponent exercise for physical fitness of community-dwelling elderly women. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015;27(3):911–915. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.911
- Gerards MHG, McCrum C, Mansfield A, Meijer K. Perturbation-based balance training for falls reduction among older adults: Current evidence and implications for clinical practice. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2017;17(12):2294–2303. doi:10.1111/ggi.13082
- Latorre román PÁ, Santos e campos MA, García-pinillos F. Effects of functional training on pain, leg strength, and balance in women with fibromyalgia. Mod Rheumatol. 2015;25(6):943-7.
- Hess JA, Woollacott M. Effect of high-intensity strength-training on functional measures of balance ability in balance-impaired older adults. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(8):582-90.